Welcome to ATINS

Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia
Association des traducteurs et interprètes de la nouvelle-écosse


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The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia (ATINS) is here to:

  • foster collaboration between translators and interpreters within the province and across Canada;
  • promote language professions and professional development;
  • provide access to certified and competent professionals for people who need language services.

ATINS is a member of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC), a national body representing professional language providers, and upholds its standards.

ATINS is also a member of the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce and the Chambre de commerce francophone de Halifax.

Featured Member: claudine belhomme

The Membership of ATINS would like to thank Claudine Belhomme, our past president, for her commitment, dedication and leadership over the past years.


Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Why Join ATINS

Language brings people together, but we often work in isolation. An ATINS membership provides opportunities for networking, collaboration and professional development. Connect with local language professionals through our member directory, networking events, and workshops. You don’t have to work alone! Become a Member

ATINS, P.O. Box 372, Halifax, NS B3J 2P8
info@atins.org   |  certification@atins.org

Privacy Notices and Terms
We strive to update our website contents as frequently as possible. For further information, please contact us.

The operating language of ATINS is English. We strive to provide a certain degree of bilingualism but this is not a fully bilingual website.