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  • 13 Jun 2024 8:29 AM | Anonymous

    Dear ATINS members,

    I hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful coming summer.

    These are our 2024-2025 board members.

    Bassima Jurdak-O'Brien, President

    Annie Fortin, VP Professional Affairs

    Clare Wilcox, Secretary

    Jagjot Arora, Director

    Isabelle Richard, Director

    André Muise, Director

  • 9 Jul 2023 9:37 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you for visiting the ATINS website. We hope you have found the information you are looking for. Please note that during the summer months, the ATINS volunteer Board of Directors is in recess and is available to respond to urgent matters only. Regular activities resume in September 2023. Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to serving you in the coming year.

  • 19 Aug 2022 12:26 PM | Anonymous

    Dear ATINS members,

    I hope that everyone has been enjoying this beautiful summer.

    These are our 2022-2023 board members.

    Bassima Jurdak-O’Brien


    Catharine Lailson

    Vice-President of Professional Affairs

    Isabelle Pédot


    Huiling Ma


    André Muise


    Claudine Belhomme


    Clare Wilcox


    Damon Loomer


    Eva Osorio-Nieto


    We are happy to serve you and rest of the Nova Scotian language community.

  • 19 Jul 2021 7:50 PM | Anonymous

    Dear ATINS members,

    I hope that everyone has been enjoying these first couple weeks of summer, particularly as Covid restrictions have been lessening and our community is feeling safer now than ever before.

    These are our 2021-2022 board members.

    Eva Osorio-Nieto


    Damon Loomer

    Vice-President of Professional Affairs

    Isabelle Pédot


    Clare Wilcox


    André Muise


    Claudine Belhomme


    Bassima Jurdak-O’Brien


    Catharine Lailson


    Huiling Ma


    We are happy to serve you and rest of the Nova Scotian language community.

  • 5 Apr 2020 8:20 PM | Claudine Belhomme (Administrator)

    ATINS is happy to announce a number of interesting free training offers that are designed to sharpen translators' and interpreters' linguistic or commercial sword.

    ProZ.com is hosting its Freelance Success Summit April 7-8-9, 2020 for free. You may register here.

    ProZ.com is also offering free access to both its Spotlight Training as well as its Video Library through June 1st, 2020. Please click on the links above in order to access them.

    Additionally, the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Manitoba (ATIM) is offering a free CTTIC webinar entitled Emojis, Emoticons, and Smileys on April 22, 2020 at 4PM AT presented by Jeff Staflund, Ed.D., M.C.I., C. Tr., C. Int. Please find all the necessary information to register and participate here.

    We hope that you will be able to benefit from these free resources.

  • 5 Apr 2020 8:18 PM | Claudine Belhomme (Administrator)

    Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, please note that ATINS has decided to cancel the CTTIC Certification Exams scheduled for this spring.

  • 3 Mar 2020 11:51 AM | Claudine Belhomme (Administrator)

    ATINS 2020 certification translation exams and the court, community and medical interpreter exams will take place both in the spring and in the fall. Our spring session is as follows:

    ATINS Spring Certification Exam

    Date:       Sunday, April 12, 2020 

    Time:       9 AM to 12 PM

    Location: 5883 Almon Street, Halifax, NS

    Cost:        $350

    Exam Details

    We offer the exam in both paper and computerized versions. That is, candidates may choose to write their exam either with pen or on their laptop. Please read the special rules pertaining to the electronic exam at the end of this communication.

    For both the electronic and paper versions, the translation exam will consist of two texts to be translated:

    1. A compulsory general text and
    2. A choice between two moderately specialized texts (financial and scientific).

    (All texts will be approximately 175–185 words in length.)

    We encourage candidates to apply for the community or medical interpreter certification exams, which are available in 11 languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, and Hungarian, or the court interpreter certification exam, which is available in seven languages: Cantonese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi and Spanish.

    The interpreter certifications consist of two phases: written, and oral. Only the first phase, that is, the written translation test, will be given on April 12. The oral tests (phase 2) will only be offered once candidates pass the corresponding written component.

    Anyone wishing to write the certification exam should carefully review the CTTIC exam application requirements (link below).

    Please note that during the examination the use of any type of electronic device (apart from the laptop used by candidates taking the electronic exam) is strictly prohibited. (Electronic devices include but are not limited to cell phones, pagers, Blackberries®, iPods®, laptop computers, and tablets). Any such use will result in the candidate’s disqualification; the examination will not be marked and the fee will not be refunded.

    How to Register

    Only ATINS Candidates for Certification may register to take this exam. Kindly consult application requirements as linked below. The deadline to submit exam applications is March 20, 2020.

    Exam Preparation: An Important Aid to Success

    ATINS strongly encourages all candidates to adequately prepare for the exam. It is important to consult every document listed below, in particular, the Candidate and Marking Guides and the Certification Exam Orientation. Here are a few additional recommendations for exam candidates:

    • Review all grammatical rules not yet mastered.
    • For those translating into English or French, review Canadian style writing conventions by consulting either The Canadian Style or Le guide du rédacteur.
    • Study common word usage errors (including the problematic use of prepositions and idiomatic word combinations) in a trusted reference book.
    • Bring all relevant reference documents to the exam. Bookmark their useful sections with well-identified tabs in order to consult them quickly.
    • Simulate an exam session by choosing two challenging 200-word texts and translating them within 3 hours strictly adhering to normal exam conditions, that is, no breaks, no additional time allotment, and no access to online resources. Attempt to mark your translations using the marking guide (below), and make note of all necessary improvements.
    • For interpreters only, review Canadian ethical and professional conduct rules for your particular field (community, court, or medical).
    • It is often better to postpone taking an exam in order to get ready than to take it while being ill-prepared. ATINS will be hosting another certification exam session this fall.


    Important Links

    Translator Exam Application Requirements.pdf (see page 2)

    Interpreter Exam Application Requirements.pdf

    Certification Exam Orientation.ppt

    CTTIC-Marker's Guide for Translation.pdf

    CTTIC-Marker's Guide for Court Interpreting.pdf

    CTTIC-Candidate's Guide_En.pdf

    CTTIC-Candidate's Guide_Fr.pdf

    Computerized Exam Rules.pdf

    What to expect in phase 2 of the interpreter exams.pdf

    Exam Registration Form

    Sample Text English (2017)

    Sample Text French (2017)


    Special Rules - Electronic Exam

    Candidates will bring their own laptop computers with MS Word (or some other word processing software capable of reading Word files) installed to write the exam, and they will assume responsibility for any technical issue, including power failure or issues related to the operation of the computer or its software. Tablets or computers without a USB port may NOT be used for this exam.

    Candidates are allowed to use Word’s spelling and grammar checking features, but internet access and use of any other software or electronic devices are strictly prohibited.

    Candidates may bring as many print dictionaries and reference documents as they like but no electronic dictionaries or devices will be allowed.

    Once the candidate is given the exam texts, the exam will be considered taken, and no retake will be offered or may be demanded in case a candidate is unable to finish their exam because of technical difficulties arising from computer or software issues. Candidates may request that their exams be marked even though they might not have been able to finish translating both texts.


  • 4 Nov 2019 1:34 PM | Sibylle Bechtold

    ATINS members have been receiving fraudulent job interview offers from businesses claiming they saw members' profiles on the ATINS website.

    These emails have sometimes come from unknown individuals and sometimes from reputable companies, such as Macmillan, the NY-based editor. Sometimes the official websites are linked in the email as well, which further falsifies credibility.

    The fraudsters take information from real companies and even the names of real HR representatives, so as to make the offer seem credible.

    If the interview process is said to take place via Google Hangouts, the "recruiter" makes errors in English, asks for private information like your address, date of birth, etc., this very likely indicates that it is not a legitimate job offer.

    ATINS strongly recommends to be increasingly vigilant, and NOT to reach out to these recruiters, but rather to contact the real company through their official websites (not linked in the email).

    Claudine Belhomme, Interpreter and Certified Translator/President, Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia

  • 8 May 2019 9:14 PM | Eva Osorio Nieto (Administrator)

    All ATINS members are cordially invited to attend our Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Museum of Natural History on May 30, 2019 .  The museum is located at 1747 Summer Street, Halifax. Please mark your calendars and stay tuned. We will post further details on this event within the next few days.

  • 10 Feb 2019 5:07 PM | Anonymous
    ATINS’ 2019 certification translation exams and the court, community and medical interpreter exams will take place on Sunday, September 22, 2019, in Halifax, NS. The precise location and times will be communicated with you in a future email.

    We are happy to announce that starting this year, we are offering the exam in both paper and computerized versions. That is, candidates may choose to write their exam either with pen or on their laptop. Please read the special rules pertaining to the electronic exam at the end of this communication (inset).

    For both the electronic and paper versions, the translation exam will consist of two texts to be translated:

    1.     A compulsory general text and

    2.     A choice between two moderately specialized texts (financial and scientific).

          (All texts will be approximately 175–185 words in length.)

    We encourage you to look into taking the community or medical interpreter certification exams, which are available in 11 languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Farsi, French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, and Hungarian, or the court interpreter certification exam, which is available in seven languages: Cantonese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Punjabi and Spanish.

    Kindly be advised that the interpreter certifications consist of two phases: written, and oral. Only the first phase, that is, the written translation test, will be given on September 22. The oral tests (phase 2) will only be offered once candidates pass the corresponding written component this fall.

    Anyone wishing to write the certification exam should carefully review the CTTIC exam application requirements (link below).  If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at certification@atins.org.

    To help you prepare, we have enclosed the CTTIC Translation Exam guides (in French and in English) as well as English and French texts from the 2017 exams.

    Please note that during the examination the use of any type of electronic device (apart from the laptop used by candidates taking the electronic exam) is strictly prohibited. (Electronic devices include but are not limited to cell phones, pagers, Blackberries ®, iPods®, laptop computers, and tablets). Any such use will result in the candidate’s disqualification; the examination will not be marked and the fee will not be refunded.

    The deadline to submit exam applications is May 31, 2019.
    To reflect changes of price at the CTTIC level, and additional exam costs, the exam fee is now CAD 350.

    We are looking forward to receiving your applications.


    Important Links

    Translator Exam Application Requirements.pdf

    Interpreter Exam Application Requirements.pdf

    Computerized Exam Rules.pdf

    What to expect in phase 2 of the interpreter exams.pdf

    Exam Registration Form.docx

    CTTIC-Candidate's Guide_En.pdf

    CTTIC-Candidate's Guide_Fr.pdf

    CTTIC English_ 2017.pdf

    CTTIC French_ 2017.pdf


    Rules - Electronic Exam

    Candidates will bring their own laptop computers with MS Word (or some other word processing software capable of reading Word files) installed to write the exam, and they will assume responsibility for any technical issue, including power failure or issues related to the operation of the computer or its software. Tablets or computers without a USB port may NOT be used for this exam.

    Candidates are allowed to use Word’s spelling and grammar checking features, but internet access and use of any other software or electronic devices are strictly prohibited.

    Candidates may bring as many print dictionaries and reference documents as they like but no electronic dictionaries or devices will be allowed.

    Once the candidate is given the exam texts, the exam will be considered taken, and no retake will be offered or may be demanded in case a candidate is unable to finish their exam because of technical difficulties arising from computer or software issues. A candidate may request that their exam be marked even though they might not be able to finish translating both texts.

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